Fee Review Commissioner, Student Government

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Spring 2022

  • Worked with different departments to collect fee usage and proposed budget changes
  • Formed committee and held meetings to discuss student fee details
  • Wrote resolution describing sentiments of Student Government over fee values and proposed changes to fee values

Graduate Senator, Student Government

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Fall 2021-Spring 2022

  • Regularly handled concerns and needs of graduate students
  • Served on multiple university committees
  • Attended weekly senate meetings and wrote reports detailing involvements with constituency
  • Held outreach events and conducted surveys to gauge needs of students

President, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Fall 2021

  • Planned out all meetings and events
  • Coordinated goals and responsibilities of all
  • Represented organization at Interfraternity Council meetings

Director of Risk Education, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Fall 2019-Spring 2021

  • Approved all group events for safety and regulation compliance
  • Held presentations over pertinent risk guidelines
  • Produced multiple virtual presentations for other important rules and procedures

President, Drone Club

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Fall 2019-Spring 2020

  • Coordinated regular meetings
  • Held elections for other officer positions and trained candidates
  • Led development of multiple drone projects
  • Hosted multiple guest speakers
  • Led workshops teaching newer students about drones

Vice President, Joint Engineering Student Council

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Fall 2019-Spring 2020

  • Communicated regularly with School of Engineering clubs and teams to meet their needs
  • Attended weekly council meetings to discuss solutions to problems, outreach events, and resources to provide
  • Helped run Engineers' Week, an annual event consisting of different events and promotions every day, including hosting a Resource Fair where design teams could showcase their work
  • Attended fall and spring National Association of Engineering Student Councils (NAESC) conferences which included networking with councils from other colleges and voting on national policies affecting all councils

Senator for School of Engineering, Student Government

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Fall 2018-Spring 2020

  • Regularly handled concerns and needs of Engineering students
  • Served on multiple university committees
  • Attended weekly senate meetings and wrote reports detailing involvements with constituency
  • Held outreach events and conducted surveys to gauge needs of students

President, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - SIUE Chapter

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Fall 2018-Spring 2020

  • Coordinated regular meetings
  • Held elections for other officer positions and trained candidates
  • Helped host two annual IEEE St. Louis Chapter Black Box Competitions where students had three hours to document their prediction of what circuit is within a black box
  • Attended IEEE Region 5 Conference in April 2019
  • Organized multiple guest speakers and industry tours related to electrical engineering

Team Member, Autonomous Robotics Club

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Spring 2017-Spring 2020

  • Helped program robots for competitions
  • Constructed practice competition arena for robot

Vice President, Drone Club

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Spring 2019

  • Coordinated ordering of drone parts
  • Helped develop photography drone for client

Vice President, Biology Club

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Fall 2018-Spring 2019

  • Promoted organization
  • Helped host events including Darwin Day and Graduate Panel Night

Secretary & Cofounder, Drone Club

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Fall 2018

  • Tracked attendance
  • Recorded meeting minutes

Vice President, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers SIUE Chapter

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Spring 2018

  • Coordinated industry tours
  • Organized guest speakers from local area companies

Secretary, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers SIUE Chapter

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Spring 2018

  • Tracked attendance
  • Recorded meeting minutes

President, Chess Club

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Fall 2016-Spring 2017

  • Promoted organization
  • Held weekly meetings
  • Coordinated with local area chess teams

Secretary, Biology Club

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Fall 2016-Spring 2017

  • Tracked attendance
  • Recorded meeting minutes

Cadet, Army Reserve Officers Training Corps

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Fall 2016-Spring 2017

  • Participated in physical training 3 days a week
  • Attended weekly labs to learn army procedures
  • Responsible for attendance and success of a squad of cadets